Recent times have seen a tidal wave of brave men and women emerge to tell their sad tales of sexual abuse at the hands of their bosses, coaches, teachers, doctors, and others who were in positions of power, influence, and professional superiority. Seemingly gone are the days when the rich and powerful can expect to be insulated from the consequences of their bad, (or even criminal), behaviour merely because they are rich and powerful. This is, of course, how it should be.
Thanks to the courageous and newly vocal men and women who no longer feel obligated to lead lives of silent suffering, there is new hope and encouragement for the many more who still feel the misplaced guilt that attends being victimized by someone who occupied a position of trust. It’s axiomatic that the world can be an unfair place.
We see it as our job to enforce a full measure of accountability on those who violate the trust of others, particularly the most vulnerable among us.
The law firm of Colucci, Colucci & Marcus, P.C. has been recognized by as one of the Top 10 Best Law Firms for Personal Injury in the Country. Attorney Darin Colucci has also been recognized by for 3 consecutive years as one of the Top 10 Best Personal Injury Attorneys in the Country.