When you survive a horrific car accident, workplace accident, or fall, receiving the news of paraplegia is life-altering. A Milton paraplegia injury lawyer could help you pursue financial compensation when a negligent party caused your injury. While a lawyer cannot undo your injury, financial compensation could relieve the burden of medical bills and allow you to focus on your rehabilitation.
No two paraplegia injuries are the same. Our compassionate catastrophic injury attorneys could take a specialized approach to your suit to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.
Paraplegia is the impairment or loss of motor and sensory function in the lower half of the body. It is often the result of damage to the spinal cord due to injury or disease.
Regardless of the severity of this paralysis, people with paraplegia injuries have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit. The event must have been caused by a third party’s wrongdoing or negligence.
Common causes of paraplegia include:
A Milton paraplegia injury lawyer could work with doctors to assess the negligence or liability of the party or parties involved and determine the severity of the paralyzing injury.
Determining the degree of paralysis involves a complete evaluation by medical professionals, including doctors, neurologists, and specialists.
Paraplegia paralysis affects the lower part of the body, specifically both legs. People with these injuries have limited or no sensation and motor function below their waist. Paraplegia may be the result of a traumatic spinal cord injury sustained in accidents.
An individual may have incomplete or complete paraplegia. Complete paraplegia describes a complete loss of motor and sensory function below the level of the spinal cord injury. In incomplete paraplegia, there is some degree of remaining motor or sensory function.
There may be flaccid or spastic paraplegia. In the former, there is muscle weakness below the level of injury. In the latter, there is increased muscle tone below the level of injury, which leads to stiff muscles.
A personal injury suit aims to ensure an individual is compensated for the injury suffered due to a third party’s negligence, reckless conduct, or intentional actions. The type and amount of compensation are determined by the circumstances surrounding the case and the severity of the injuries. Common types of compensation include:
A paraplegia injury lawyer in Milton could estimate the amount of damages an injured person could obtain through a lawsuit.
We understand that navigating litigation is an ordeal for someone who is recovering from a paraplegia accident or is taking care of someone who has been injured. Costs associated with spinal cord injuries are overwhelming. Apart from medical costs, physical therapy, hospital visits, and emotional suffering, those injured in a paraplegia accident may need to remodel their homes and modify their vehicles to adapt.
Our Milton paraplegia injury lawyers are here to provide you with peace of mind during these trying times. Our firm advocates for individuals who have suffered paralysis due to accidents and negligence. Call today to book your introductory case consultation.