Manufacturers of products sold in this country have an obligation to their customers to make sure that what they sell doesn’t pose a safety risk. Sometimes, though, regulations can be lax or manufacturers don’t have a fool-proof process by which to test what they make, which can lead to dangerous and defective products. The results can often be severe injuries, illness or even death.
After cases of salmonella kept popping up around Canada and the United States, including one case in Massachusetts, investigators began looking into the claims. After interviewing 39 people, they were able to draw some conclusions. Thirty-seven of the 39 people reported having eaten sprouted seeds or sprouted powder of chia. While no deaths have yet been reported, Salmonella can be incredibly dangerous and can cause sickness that may require hospitalization.
As a result, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency have recalled several products that contain chia powder or seeds that have sprouted.
If a civil case were to arise, it would be the job of an experienced product liability lawyer to investigate the makers and determine if negligence played a part. Were any of the manufacturers of these chia seeds and powders aware of the potential dangers they could pose? What kinds of fail-safes were in place to prevent dangerous products from reaching the hands of consumers? If dangers were inherent, did the product’s labeling sufficiently and clearly spell them out?
Whether it’s a car part, a consumable or a defective toy, if you’ve been negatively affected by a faulty product, you and a Massachusetts attorney can sit down and discuss the possible options of receiving compensation.
Source:, “U.S., Canada Salmonella Cases Linked to Sprouted Chia Seeds Rise to 73,” June 23, 2014