Unstable Or Unsecured Loads Put All Drivers At Risk
When 18-wheelers and other large trucks carry unbalanced loads or are overloaded, the freight can shift, causing the truck to roll over or jackknife. Unsecured cargo can also break loose from the truck, spilling onto the road. In either instance, every other driver and passenger in the vicinity of the truck is put at risk.
At Colucci, Colucci & Marcus, P.C., we represent people who have been injured due to overloaded and unsecured trucks and other forms of negligence. We have a proven record of success obtaining favorable verdicts and settlements for clients from the Boston area and throughout Massachusetts.
Contact us today online or by telephone at 617-917-3917 to speak with an experienced Boston, MA, truck accident lawyer.
Facing The Aftermath Of Overloaded/Unsecured Trucks
When a truck accident results in the truck jackknifing or rolling over on the highway, it is important to inspect the accident for signs of negligence. In many cases, these accidents could have been avoided if the truck had been properly loaded and inspected.
When trucks carry heavy equipment, timber, building supplies, and other large, open loads, the loads must be properly secured. Falling debris can cause trailing vehicles to change course suddenly or crash directly into debris.
Trucking companies fight accident lawsuits aggressively and often send teams of investigators to the scene of the accident to gain control of the accident scene and limit the companies’ exposure to liability. Our lawyers know how to find the facts in these cases to identify errors in loading, balance inspection, and other factors. We aggressively pursue the facts to support our client’s claims and to help them pursue maximum compensation for their losses.
Find Out Why A Lawyer Is Worth Your Time: Call Us Today.
We work on a contingency fee basis on all personal injury cases, including those involving trucks that are overloaded or carry unbalanced loads. This means that you pay nothing if we don’t win compensation for you and that all attorney time is at no charge, including your initial consultation.
We are available for day, evening, and weekend appointments. We can visit you in your home or in the hospital and are conveniently located six miles from the South Station Tunnel right off the Expressway near Route 128. To contact the Boston, MA, overloaded truck accident attorneys at Colucci, Colucci & Marcus, P.C., call 617-917-3917.