When it comes to motor vehicle accidents, you can never truly know what you’re going to get. You may find yourself in an accident that causes little or no damage, or you may find yourself in an accident that changes your life forever. You may get into an accident with another passenger vehicle, or you may get into an accident with a large truck. And the other driver may be concerned about your well-being, or the other driver may simply continue driving.
There is slightly less ambiguity when it comes to truck accidents, because behind every truck accident is a large trucking company that is desperate to minimize its liability. This means that within hours of the accident, while you may be lying in a hospital bed fighting for your life, representatives from the trucking company are on the scene searching for ways to ensure that they do not have to make a huge payout to you or your family.
The law is very clear when it comes to motor vehicle accidents, and if evidence indicates that the truck driver was responsible for the accident, then the trucking company will likely have to pay for your medical bills as well as additional payments for property damage or suffering. Because of this, it is not unheard of for truck companies to tamper with evidence or alter the scene of the accident in order to make it seem like their truck was not responsible. However, there is more evidence than just that at the scene of the accident that victims can use to their benefit.
The trucking companies themselves are responsible for ensuring that the drivers they hire are safe and that they do not overschedule their drivers to the point that the drivers would be too fatigued to focus on the road. Even if trucking companies are able to alter an accident to make it seem that the truck was not at fault, there are still ways for victims to prove their case. If you have been injured in a truck accident in Massachusetts, contact a truck accident lawyer to learn more about your legal options.