Premises liability can be a confusing term, leaving answers to questions such as who is responsible or what qualifies rather vague. Essentially what premises liability means is that guests within a property should feel safe and protected, and if they experience any dangerous injuries, they could file a lawsuit against the owner of the premises for not providing adequate protection or warning of dangerous circumstances.
An example of such a warning would be if you have a large dog that is prone to violence. You might want to hang a sign that warns people to beware of your dog. If you don’t, and the dog injures them, they could successfully argue that you did not provide adequate warning of the potential for injury. Of course, dog attacks are not the only threat; any injury sustained on a property that could have been fixed or avoided through warning could constitute a premises liability issue.
There are many different factors that can affect a premises liability case, such as the legal status of the visitor and the condition of the property. Generally, just remember that individuals who are on-premises legally and who were injured through little or no fault of their own will have strong premises liability cases.
The law regarding premises liability varies by state, so if you believe you may have a premises liability case on your hands, it could be in your best interests to seek legal assistance from an attorney who is familiar with Massachusetts law. Property owners have a responsibility to make their premises safe for others, and if they fail to uphold this responsibility, it could cost them.