Most of the talk around truck accidents covers the impact that massive vehicles can have when they collide with smaller cars. Amongst all of this, we sometimes neglect the possibility that large trucks are just as capable of striking bicycles or pedestrians. Considering the substantial damage that cars and drivers might suffer in a truck accident, pedestrians and cyclists are lucky to survive the accident at all. Unfortunately for one Massachusetts man who was cycling in Wrentham, he was not lucky enough.
The accident occurred recently on a Saturday evening as the cyclist was attempting to make a left turn. Police are currently investigating the accident, but they believe it’s possible that the victim was blinded by the sun before taking the turn. A dump truck struck the cyclist before veering off the road and smashing into a tree. Police intend to inspect the truck to ensure that it was not suffering from mechanical issues.
In the wake of a truck accident, it is vital to inspect the truck in such a way, since a truck is in a state of disrepair could mean liability for the owner of the truck. Trucking companies have a responsibility to ensure that their trucks and the people they hire to drive them are in optimal operating conditions at all times. If it is discovered, for example, that the truck in this accident had a known brake issue, and the trucking company did not have the issue repaired, they could be liable for this bicyclist’s death.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident and you believe that the truck or its driver was at fault, you could be entitled to compensation. Consider speaking with an attorney to help you build a solid case to bring before the courts. You don’t have to suffer because of a truck company’s negligence.
Source: CBS Boston, “Cyclist Struck And Killed By Dump Truck In Wrentham,” Sept. 27, 2014