Residents of Massachusetts rely on so many different products in their day-to-day lives, it is easy to understand that once in a while, something will malfunction. With any luck, this will be a minor setback or a small annoyance. It is frustrating when an item you were relying on fails to work correctly. However, that is a far more preferable option than the defect or malfunction resulting in injuries to you or your loved ones.
Manufacturers have a responsibility to ensure that the products they distribute adhere to specific safety regulations and quality standards. If they do not, countless consumers are placed at risk of serious injury or even death. Yet how do you prove that the manufacturer was at fault? Fortunately, there is legislation in place to help you.
There is a doctrine that is widely referred to as strict liability. Under this doctrine, if you suffer injuries from a consumer product, you may be able to claim compensation from whichever business or manufacturer sold it to you. However, this doctrine only applies if the seller was in the business of distributing and selling that particular type of product.
For a claim under strict liability to be valid, your injury must have resulted from using a consumer product in the manner it was designed to be used. The product must also have a defect that could be considered unreasonably dangerous and which has injured you. The product must also not have been altered significantly from the condition it was in when it was sold.
It is a lot to take in, especially when you are recovering from your injuries. Fortunately, you do not have to face it alone. A defective product attorney may be able to assist you with your claim and help you to pursue the compensation you deserve.