While visiting a mall or a shop, people expect the place to be safe. But sometimes, a person may suffer injuries due to faulty electrical wiring, defective electrical products, and malfunctioning heating units, and inadequate lighting. A person injured in such accidents may be able to file a premises liability lawsuit and claim damages.
Residents of Massachusetts may have heard about the carbon monoxide leak in a Boston spa. The leak caused the hospitalization of eight people and the sickness of over 30 people. Emergency medical services were informed that some customers and employees were feeling lightheaded. After EMS arrived at the scene, it was discovered that more people had become sick and the fire department was also called.
The fire officials believe that the clothes dryers may have caused the leakage. The spa was ordered to get the dryers checked by a licensed service technician and the ventilation system needed to be cleaned, inspected, and certified. It was also reported that the upper level of the spa was open and operating later in the day since the leak was considered contained to the basement.
Although the affected people sustained no serious injuries, carbon monoxide may prove dangerous to the health of people who inhaled the gas. Sometimes, health complications may emerge at a later stage.
A person who is injured on the property of another person may claim damages from the owner of the property. The person may claim compensation for medical expenses, loss of wages, and other related costs.
Source: NECN.com, “8 people hospitalized after carbon monoxide leak in Boston” Eileen Curran, Dec. 8, 2012