Slip and fall actions have been known to produce far more serious injuries than people realize. Spinal cord injuries, traumatic brand damage, herniated disc, back injuries, broken bones, and other critical injuries can have a devastating impact on your life.
If you slipped and fell on someone else’s property, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Find out what your legal options are when you contact a dedicated New Bedford slip and fall accident lawyer at Colucci, Colucci & Marcus, P.C. for a free consultation.
When someone is injured in a slip and fall accident on someone else’s property, the property owner is more often than not found liable for the injuries the victim sustains.
This is because property owners owe their invited guests and patrons a duty of care. They have an obligation to ensure that their premises are safe at all times. If they fail to uphold this obligation, thereby breaching that duty of care, they can be held accountable for any injuries victims sustain.
Some of the more common ways slip and fall accidents can occur on someone else’s property Include:
Your New Bedford slip and fall accident attorney will be responsible for gathering the evidence needed to prove that the property owner’s negligence was the ultimate cause of the injuries you sustained in your slip and fall accident.
If you are interested in holding the property owner or other liable party accountable for your slip and fall injuries, you need to act quickly. Under Massachusetts Ch. 260 §4, the statute of limitations for slip and fall accidents and other types of personal injury claims is just three years.
This may seem like plenty of time to pursue your claim, but the sooner you get your attorney working on your case, the better. There are many pieces of critical evidence that may be time-sensitive, including video footage, forensic evidence, and witness testimony.
If you fail to get your slip and fall accident lawsuit filed before the statute of limitations expires, you will have, unfortunately, lost your opportunity to recover compensation through the Massachusetts civil court system. To protect your injury settlement, be sure to get a knowledgeable New Bedford slip and fall accident attorney handling your case so procedural issues like these do not put your compensation at risk.
If you are interested in learning more about how to move forward with your slip and fall accident claim, reach out to an experienced New Bedford slip and fall accident lawyer at Colucci, Colucci & Marcus, P.C. for help.
When you are ready to get started on your case, fill out our quick contact form or give our office a call at 617-698-6000 to schedule your no-cost, risk-free consultation today.